Ground Scope systems
Live Scan and Ground Scan ( 2D & 3D Data )
• This system detects and scans the ground layers through a points scanning method, to visualize the ground, clarify the shape and sizes of underground targets.
• No need to use the complicated analysis software and computer or other tablets, this device gives you immediate results on the device screen and at Real-time.
• Full control in imaging scanning process
• Automatic scan mode
• Manual scan mode
• Control the dimensions and size of the scan through several options shown on the system screen.
• Measuring and imaging radar sensors with modern and sophisticated scientific techniques, specializing in the identification and detection of archaeological objects, buried targets, metal and caves, with distinguish between them.
• Clarify the size and shape of the target and providing a 2D and 3D image report of the scanned area.
• Software is a very advanced technology level, gives the user easy and quick control of all device settings and systems.
• Ergonomic design and streamlined shape gives you the power to search and navigate with lightweight and ease of use that have a major role in fast and uncomplicated results.
Device’s general settings menu that gives you control of the following:
• Screen Brightness Control: Gives you comfortable and convenient lighting with 5 different levels of illumination.
• Volume control: gives you precise and convenient volume control, with 5 different volume levels or silent mode as well.
• Language Control: Multilingual and gives you control over changing the language of your previously saved device to another language.
• For the first time globally in the detection and exploration devices exclusively at MWF Group, The device supported with smart operating and detection systems, Smart interfaces, Power conservation system, Smart charging system, Multilanguage and remember device language, save settings, Smart control.
• The device is characterized by its small size and ease of use, and the dismantling and installation of the radar sensor unit.
• A control panel with anti-shock pressure buttons gives you quick control of the device and settings.
• Automatic Tuning System (ATS) Special invention and new, registered in favor of MWF GROUP, this system provides accurate results and proven in all types of soils and terrain, because the system recognizes the soil automatically, grants the search process automatic tuning commensurate with the type of soil and properties of soil , With the abolition of any overlaps radiation resulting by the rocky and mountainous territory effect, which may affect a lot of other detectors, but the this smart system, can sorting and analysis and provide the necessary levels which relates of frequency signal, voltage and wavelength of the signal which gives results free of any errors.